
Our Commitment

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

We prioritize environmental protection in ship recycling by strictly following international regulations. Our practices, like all the operations including cutting on the built structure, 8-layered impermeable floors, slag collection, intertidal zone debris collection, proper waste management, periodic environmental parameters monitoring, plantation, etc. focus on preventing pollution, promoting sustainable practices, and minimizing the environmental impact of our operations.

Hazardous Waste Management

Responsible management of hazardous and nonhazardous waste is a top priority for our group. We implement stringent measures to identify, mark, removal, handle, contain, transport and dispose of hazardous materials and waste generated during ship recycling operations. Our practices including waste manifest generation align with international standards and regulations to ensure the safe and proper management of generated wastes.

Hazardous Waste Management

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety

The safety and well-being of our workers are of utmost importance. We are dedicated to maintain a safe working environment, comply with occupational health and safety standards, provide regular medical check-up, necessary training and personal protective equipment to ensure the well-being of our employees.

Workers' Welfare

We prioritize the well-being and welfare of our workers, ensuring fair treatment, safe working conditions, and essential amenities. We promote equality and inclusivity, maintain cleanliness, provide medical care, and offer suitable housing options. Our commitment is guided by relevant regulations, aiming to create a positive and supportive workplace environment for our employees to thrive and succeed.

Workers' Welfare

Responsible Ship Recycling

Responsible Ship Recycling

We are dedicated to conduct ship recycling activities in a responsible and sustainable manner. Our approach involves proper disposal of hazardous materials, maximizing material recovery and recycling, and minimizing any negative impacts on human health and the environment. We prioritize environmentally sound practices throughout the entire ship recycling process.


Transparency is key to building trust and accountability. We commit to maintaining transparency in all aspects of our ship recycling operations. This includes comprehensive documentation of activities, inventory of hazardous materials and waste, recycling plans, and records of compliance. We communicate openly with stakeholders and provide relevant information as needed.


Continual Improvement

Continual Improvement

Our group is committed to continual improvement in ship recycling practices. We will regularly review our processes, conduct audits, and implement corrective actions to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental performance. Our team is striving to upgrade their knowledge and skills by various international certifications. Through ongoing evaluation and adaptation, we aim to stay at the forefront of sustainable ship recycling practices.

Social Responsibility

We are dedicated to making positive contributions to the communities and societies in which we operate. We engage with stakeholders, support local initiatives, and contribute to the social and economic development of the areas where we conduct our business. We express our gratitude to be able to make a direct positive impact on others’ lives.

Social Responsibility