
Yard visit by his Excellency German Ambassador, Walter Johannes Lindner

Yard visit by his Excellency German Ambassador, Walter Johannes Lindner

Yard visit by his Excellency German Ambassador, Walter Johannes Lindner

His Excellency German Ambassador Walter Johannes Lindner along with consulates of the embassy and other delegates visited the Leela ship recycling yard. They appreciated the hospitality and good work done by the Leela Group of companies.

They found the green ship recycling process in Leela Group of companies very interesting and were impressed to see how Leela Group of companies are putting their best efforts for the betterment of its employees including their good health and safety at work and the protection of the environment.

His Excellency also appreciated the continuous efforts by various government agencies such as GMB, GPCB, etc. in ensuring the best compliance of rules and regulations throughout the ship recycling process.

18th Sep 2022
Our Commitment

Environmental Protection

We prioritize environmental protection in ship recycling by strictly following international regulations.

Hazardous Waste Management

Responsible management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is a top priority for our group.

Occupational Health and Safety

The safety and well-being of our workers are of utmost importance.

Workers' Welfare

We prioritize the well-being of our workers, ensuring fair treatment, safe working conditions, and essential amenities.

Responsible Ship Recycling

We prioritize environmentally sound practices throughout the entire ship recycling process.


We commit to maintaining transparency in all aspects of our ship recycling operations.

Continual Improvement

Our group is committed to continual improvement in ship recycling practices.

Social Responsibility

We are dedicated to making positive contributions to the communities and societies in which we operate.